Sena & Eric Nelson
This Mountain top Elopement session was EPIC! I couldn’t imagine something more perfect being able to capture their time! Sena and Eric are such an adventurous couple who have been married for years and wanted to “Elope” again in the mountains. This is the moments I LIVE FOR.
Traveling, adventuring, hiking and everything in between is my DREAM. All right up my alley. So for all you babes looking to Elope in Hawaii on a mountain. Trust me, I got you covered!
These two hiked up a mountain, Sena with her and hair and makeup completely done, got dressed in the side bursh and took photos barefoot on top of the mountain. They have 3 children together and witnessing them getting “hitched” for the 3rd time!
I can’t imagine anything more perfect than this love story….

Really good shot