No matter where I am I am always down for a good ADVENTURE! Kathryn & Tom are one of my 2021 couples getting married and flew out to San Francisco California to take their engagement photos! I have been dreaming of a photoshoot overlooking the cliffs of SF and exploring the beaches and that’s EXACTLY what we did during this session!
We started out at Muir Overlook where they brought their dog Samson who was the star of the show! I have never taken photos with anyone’s pups or dogs involved and I had a ton of FIRST this trip including having Samson, which I’m so grateful for! The overlook was breathtaking and there was almost no one there getting to capture these moments for them I was just in complete AWE!
Then we drove down to Muir Beach where we ran in the water, explored the scenery and enjoyed the evening! I will say California’s water is nothing like Hawaii I thought my toes were numb at the end and I don’t know how people swim in super cold water but it looked GORGEOUS regardless!
I am so grateful for adventure with my couples, getting to know their life story, watching how they bond together and even better being apart of the final step their Wedding Day to come in 2021! Kathryn & Tom had their engagements taken in San Fran but their big day will be in Hawaii next year! I am so lucky I get to be apart of both and don’t take it for granted! CANNOT WAIT to partyyyy with these two in 2021 celebrating their Wedding! WOOHOOO!
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