HOLY HECK! It has been 29 weeks can you freaking believe it?! I cannot believe how fast time has gone and it feels like yesterday I peed on a stick to find out we’d be having a baby!!!! Let alone the news that we’d be having a little BABY BOY added to our lil fam of 3!
This has been a journey to say the least. This pregnancy with our little son is COMPLETELY different than when I was pregnant with Mahina. I truly believe, “every pregnancy is different” now. I imagined myself with endless energy being able to work my butt off until the day I gave birth to help provide. I imagined being able to workout endless and stick to my healthy eating routine. Yup, reality hit hard. Reality is that I got really bad morning sickness for the first time in my life. I also felt physically exhausted most of this pregnancy and have been WAY more hungry than I have ever been!
Along the way, I have learned to reevaluate my high expecations and enjoy the process of growing a tiny human being. I went from woking out 6 days a week to working out 3 days of the week at the very most when I felt well enough. I went from eating a very balanced diet to occasionally having hot cheeots and chocolate when I could NOT resist the temptation any longer. I went from having endless energy during the day to taking a nap every single day and being in bed by 9PM when my daughter sleeps. How’s that for a wake up call?!
Nevertheless, it has been absolutely WORTH IT ALL. Feeling him growing, feeling his tiny kicks and watching him through ultrasound appointments has got me so nostalgic I cannot even deal with it. I cannot wait to hold him in my arms. I cannot wait to watch my daughter have a sibling and them be so close. I cannot wait to grow our tiny family with my loving husband and see him have his very first little boy!!!
I hold Motherhood so close to my heart. I feel such a strong responsibility and endless love towards my children. Growing a tiny human is something I believe is so sacred to the womens bodies and I am endlessly working to empower and embrace that! I have such a strong connection and bond with this little babe. I cannot imagine a better calling in life than to become a Mother. I am so grateful for this oppurtunity. My babies are the reason why I work so hard, the reason why I chase my dreams and lose sleep at night. I wouldn’t change it for the world! Baby boy you are so loved and we cannot freaking wait to meet ya!
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